Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) is minimally invasive pain relief option for patients who don’t want to rely on medications or surgery and prefer to heal naturally. For more serious injuries, PRP therapy may be combined with surgery to accelerate healing and reduce the risk of infection. The plasma from your own blood contains several proteins that reduce pain and inflammation. Plasma carries the hormones, electrolytes, and nutrients required to nourish cells during the healing process. Here are 5 steps you can expect to take during your PRP treatment process.
Step 1 – Comprehensive medical evaluation
Prior to receiving your PRP treatment, every patient will undergo a comprehensive medical evaluation in order to establish an accurate and complete diagnosis. This may be the most important part of your entire treatment. We will review your medical history, previous records, imaging studies such as MRI, X-ray or CT scan. We will evaluate your medications, nutritional status and exercise activities. You will have the opportunity to learn your treatment options and have all your questions answered.
Step 2 – Supplements
PRP does not come in a bottle, it is produced by your own body. The quality of the PRP is influenced by the foods you eat, the medications you take and your genetic profile. Before your treatment, you may need to stop aspirin or other medications that interfere with platelet function. You may need to eat certain foods or take supplements to optimize the PRP solution for your condition.
Step 3 – Draw blood and spin it in a centrifuge.
Our phlebotomist will draw a small amount of blood and spin it in a centrifuge to isolate the platelets for your treatment.
Step 4 – Prepare the injection area while PRP is prepared
While our technician prepares the PRP in our lab, your physician will perform an ultrasound guided exam of the injured area. The area will be cleansed with antiseptic soap and numbed with a local anesthetic.
Step 5 – Direct injection using ultrasound imaging
PRP will be placed directly using ultrasound imaging. X-ray imaging will be used if we are treating the spine.
These time proven injection techniques are performed safely, comfortably and with high precision. After your treatment, you may apply ice as needed for up to two days. We will give you specific instructions for the first week to minimize discomfort and maximize a positive outcome.
What to expect after treatment
Most people experience results within 4 to 8 weeks following treatment. Some people feel relief almost immediately. You can resume normal activities including exercise within 4 to 7 days. As long as you don’t overdo it, physical activity actually accelerates the healing in most circumstances.
PRP therapy is a revolutionary breakthrough in the treatment of difficult orthopedic conditions. We think you will be pleasantly surprised to experience this therapy and the amazing results it offers. If you are in pain, there is no need to wait any longer. Come visit us and see if you are a candidate for this remarkable therapy today. 760-909-2355
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